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Plants you should avoid if you have pets at home

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New Delhi . A pet is our companion for all of us, but that companion has a huge responsibility, it is very important to take care of him. In the meantime, always remember to never take your pet near plants.

Sometimes unknowingly we forget to pet-proof our homes and it can be dangerous for the health of your furry friend. For example, plants may seem harmless, but they can prove dangerous to your pet.

Dr Vinod Sharma, Head of Veterinary Services at DCC Animal Hospital shares a list of plants that should not be eaten at home when you have a pet-


amaryllis has bright lily-like flowers and attractive leaves, amaryllis

Is a stunning flower that can add the wow factor to any room during the winter. But this beautiful flower is also extremely harmful for your pet. If an animal swallows any part of Amaryllis, it may vomit or drool excessively. Large amounts may cause diarrhea and tremors. Other symptoms include abdominal pain and a drop in blood pressure.

Daffodils are another beautiful plant that poses a danger to your pet. If you have a pet rabbit, it can nibble on it and be fine. But, if you have a bird, a cat or a dog – they may be at risk. The reason why daffodils are dangerous is because the plant contains an alkaloid called lycorine. Daffodil poisoning in pets causes severe diarrhea, tremors, salivation and vomiting. Cats and birds sometimes experience seizures.

Lily has a beautiful plan but they must be kept away from pets. All types of lilies have a bad effect on pets, especially birds and cats. Everything about the plant is toxic to animals, even the water inside the vase. Depending on the type of lily, the effects can be varied. Cats, dogs and birds experience irritation in the mouth and digestive tract. Easter lilies and tiger lilies can be fatal to your cat because any part of these plants can cause sudden kidney failure.

morning glory

Morning glory is a great addition to gardens. The vine looks classy with its vibrant colors. But they are not for cats, dogs and birds at all. A chemical called lysergic alkaloid is present in this plant. It can cause severe reactions such as vomiting, tremors, dilated pupils and even liver failure in some cases in pets.

Poinsettia plants may not be as toxic as the others listed here, but they can still cause mild irritation in some pets. Cats and dogs may experience mild vomiting and drooling after ingesting the sap of the plant. Serious poinsettia poisoning is rare in cats and dogs, but birds are more severely affected.

Azaleas belong to the Rhododendron family and all plants in this gene pool are toxic to pets. They are bitter in taste and this usually discourages pets from munching excessively on them thus significantly reducing the effect. But if you have horses or any cattle then this flower can be a source of trouble. Unfortunately, all parts of this plant are poisonous.


Chrysanthemums are toxic to cats, dogs, rabbits and many other animals.

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