These things should not be eaten at night, health is bad, sleep is lost

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Scientists and medical experts say that every common person should get 8 hours of sleep out of 24 hours. It is essential to the body. Due to this the person’s health remains good and he does not feel any kind of disease. However, this is not possible in today’s hectic life. The person is unable to get 8 hours of sleep. There are also many people who have the disease of not sleeping at night. This means that they are unable to sleep even for a few hours in peace. Their food helps them in not sleeping. If sleep is not complete, then the next day the behavior of the person becomes irritable, as well as the internal organs of the body do not get the necessary rest. If you also can’t sleep, then you have to pay attention to your diet. There are some things in the diet that should be avoided during the night. Today we are going to tell the readers of our special news about the things included in the food which should be avoided while eating at night. If you do not include them in your dinner, then you will get proper but restful sleep for few hours. Let’s have a look at them-

Do you know that eating tomatoes before sleeping is not good for sleep. This is because tomatoes cause acid reflux and increase digestive problems. According to a research report, consuming tomatoes at night can increase restlessness and then there is very little chance that you will be able to get enough and restful sleep.

Onion is also something that can mess with your digestive system. According to medical experts, onion works to make gas in the stomach. This gas affects the pressure of your stomach, causing acid to move up towards the throat. Especially when you lie down straight. Surprisingly, both raw or cooked onions can cause such problems. Therefore, before sleeping at night, avoid the consumption of onions as much as possible.

If you eat a dish containing cheese at night, problems related to bloating, gas as well as bloating in the stomach start, due to which sleep is not possible. The amino acid tyramine is found in cheese. It releases the hormone norepinephrine which increases mental alertness.

Chips, snacks and tea
If you have a habit of drinking tea with chips or namkeen after dinner, then change this habit today because nothing can be worse for your sleep and health. These snacks have a lot of monosodium glutamate, which makes you sleep patterns like slow poison. Along with this, it is also responsible for high BP, diabetes and weight gain.

Spicy Food
Spicy gravy and spicy foods boost metabolism and increase blood flow, which prevents sleepiness. Apart from this, when you go to sleep, due to eating spicy food, the body temperature naturally starts decreasing, even then there is trouble in sleeping.

leafy vegetables
Although eating green vegetables like broccoli or cabbage is good for health, but avoid taking them in dinner as they cause gas production. They are high in insoluble fiber, which keeps you full for a long time and gets digested slowly. Sleeping after eating it slows down this process further, due to which it starts causing gas or other digestive problems.

fast food
It is not better to eat pizza at any time, but eating it at night can be very harmful for you. These pizzas made of maida and many types of sauces and cheeses are the cause of heartburn. The fatty fillings and sauces present in burgers can be wonderful in taste, but not for health. It increases the level of acid in the stomach. Full of calories and carbohydrates, pasta will make you feel full but will play the band of your sleep and health. Eating them at night increases acid formation, which leads to acidity and gas problems.

Chicken or high protein food
Avoid eating chicken or protein foods before bedtime. We should know that during sleep the digestion capacity of our body is 50% slower. And the body takes a long time to digest protein. Therefore, if you take protein before sleeping, then the focus of the body will be on digesting the protein instead of sleeping.

If you take alcohol just before going to sleep at night thinking that they will get tired of the day and sleep better, then change your thinking, because by doing this they are ruining not only their sleep but also their health. It is also very high in calories which promotes weight gain and diabetes.

dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains a lot of caffeine and stimulants, which instead of relaxing the heart, keep the heart functioning and the brain active. Taking it during the day can be beneficial, but it is not good for better sleep at night.

We do not claim that the information given in the article is completely true and accurate. Before adopting them, please consult an expert in the relevant field.

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Web Title-These things should not be eaten at night, health is bad, sleep is lost

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