as ancient as ayurvedic

In Ayurvedic treatment, along with the health of the body, the health of the mind is also concerned. The method of treatment is different for every person as each body has its own strength, strength or weakness. every body has its own nature

decades Allopathy has dominated the world in the field of disease and treatment. It is true that allopathy is very advanced in the field of diagnostics and drug research, but a very powerful and deeply knowledgeable treatment method has been an important part of our tradition and culture since thousands of years ago. Scientificity matters more than modernity in treatment and as ancient as Ayurveda is, it is more scientific. This needs to be explained again to the people of today. Our enlightened sages, who invented this system of medicine, look closely at their knowledge of the elements on the basis of which treatment is done in Ayurveda, then we are amazed at its scientificness, how this amazing knowledge thousands of years ago would have developed.

Every body has its own nature.

ancient medical system
Ayurveda is an ancient medical system of the Indian subcontinent. It is believed that it originated in India 5000 years ago. If we look at the meaning of the word, then that scripture or science which gives knowledge of age, it is called Ayurveda. Sushruta has said that ‘In which or by which one attains age, it is called Ayurveda.’ Bhavmishra has also written the same. According to Charanvyuh, it is the Upveda of Rigveda, but according to the Ayurveda texts written by Sushruta, it is the Upveda of Atharvaveda. According to Charaka Samhita, Rig, Sama, Yaju, Atharva, out of these four Vedas, the Vedas, which have been handed over to the society by the scholars of Ayurveda, is Atharvaveda. It is written in Sushruta Samhita that Brahma first composed ‘Ayurveda Shastra’ of one lakh verses, which had one thousand chapters. Prajapati studied from these chapters. The Ashwini Kumars from Prajapati and Indra from Ashwini Kumars, Dhanvantari from Indradev and Sushruta Muni from Dhanvantari created Ayurveda by acquiring this knowledge.

healing of mind
In Ayurvedic system of medicine, while treating the body, it has been said to treat the state of mind and for that the laws of Mangal, Homa, Niyama, Atonement, Fasting and Mantra etc. have been taken from Atharvaveda. Ayurveda believes that the entire universe is made up of five elements: air, water, sky, earth and fire, which are named as Pancha Mahabhutas. The human body is also considered to be made up of five elements. Seven dhatus are found inside the body: rasa (plasma), blood, muscles, fat, fat, bone, marrow (bone marrow) and shukra (reproductive tissue) dhatus provide only basic nutrition to the body.

There are three doshas in the human body – pitta dosha, vata dosha and kapha dosha. The main function of the doshas of the body is to digest the food properly so that the nutrients mix in the blood flow to keep the body strong and the tissues are formed properly. Any imbalance in these doshas causes disease.

what is age
The meaning of life in Ayurveda is the integration of body, senses, mind and spirit. The masters of Ayurveda have called ‘Ayog’ the union of body, senses, mind and soul. Age is divided into four categories:

(1) Sukhayu – When a person’s body is free from any kind of physical or mental disease and that person is happy and prosperous in every way, then his age is called ‘Sukhayu’.
(2) Dukhayu – A person who has all kinds of means but is suffering from physical or mental disease, or he is healthy but without means, then the age of such person is called Dukhayu.
(3) Hitayu The person who has health and resources, or the person who follows wisdom, virtue, generosity, truth, non-violence, even in the midst of some deprivation, then his age is called Hitayu.
(4) Ahitayu – A person who is full of evils like indiscretion, misconduct, cruelty, selfishness, pride, tyranny, etc., his age is called Ahitayu.

individual treatment
In the diagnosis system of Ayurveda, the whole personality of the patient is studied. The therapist begins the treatment by analyzing the patient’s internal physical characteristics and mental disposition. In this process the person’s vitality, his routine, dietary habits, digestive status and his personal, socio-economic and environmental status are also studied. This treatment is classified into several parts.

Refinement: In this process the factors causing physical and mental diseases are eliminated. Common treatments for this include Panchakarma, pre-panchakarma actions.

Mitigation: In this therapy, the deteriorating body fluids or doshas are eliminated. The process by which the impaired body fluid returns to its normal state is called mitigation. This treatment is done through appetizing food, digestion, exercise, and sunlight and fresh air. It is also used as palliative and sleeping medicine.

In order to remove physical illness, the mind is also made healthy.

Diet: Under this, treatment is mainly done through diet. Such things are used in the diet, which prevents the growth of the sitting disorder in the body, it suppresses it. In this, it is ensured that the digestion process takes place properly.

importance of diet
Diet regulation is of great importance as a medicine in Ayurveda. This is because in this the human body is understood as a product of food. A person’s mental and spiritual development as well as his temperament is affected by the quality of the food he consumes. Food in the human body is first converted into kail or rasa and then further processes include its conversion into blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone-marrow, reproductive elements and ojas.

Thus, food is the basic basis for all metabolic changes and activities of life. The lack of nutrients in the diet or improper change of food results in a variety of disease conditions. Ayurvedic medicine is a method of keeping the body healthy in all respects. In this, diseases of both physical and mental conditions of the person are treated. In this method, the person is treated with medicines obtained from herbs, plants, flowers and fruits etc. Rigveda mentions 67 plants, while Atharvaveda and Yajurveda mention 293 and 81 medicinal plants respectively. In Ayurvedic system of medicine, medicines are prepared on the basis of knowledge gained from these Vedas. Ayurveda believes that ‘na anushadham jagati kinchit dravyam avalabhyate’. (Charakasamhita, Sutrasthan, Chapter 26, Verse 12)

That is, there is no such substance in the world, which cannot be used as medicine. Ayurveda has told about the properties of plants on the basis of their effects on the human body and thus has given people the key to leading a healthy life. There are practically no side effects of Ayurvedic medicines. Ayurveda is particularly effective for many chronic diseases.

Methods of Ayurveda medicine are given in Atharvaveda

Modernity in treatment is essential to science and this Ayurveda hundred percent in the case
True. need it mainstream
have to bring in

It not only cures diseases but also prevents diseases from growing. In this, natural remedies are told to keep diseases away by making easy changes in food and lifestyle. Ayurveda finds and treats the root causes of diseases of the body. In this, on the basis of the nature of the body i.e. Kapha, Pitta and Vata, the medicine made from it is given to the patient. So there is no bad effect. These medicines have an effect on the body and the mind, which gives total health benefits. While allopathic medicines do not cure the disease from the root, Ayurveda treats the disease by looking at the root cause and ensuring its prevention.

When a person is suffering from disease, then his body’s vital force i.e. immune system tries to fight the disease. Due to the increase in Raja-Tama qualities affected by the disease, his physical, mental and spiritual capacity starts decreasing. In Ayurvedic system of medicine, the focus is on increasing the vitality of the organism. This naturally makes his body healthy and does not have any harmful effect on him. In the present modern medical and technological system, the attention of man remains focused only on his body. Therefore only his body is healthy. The life force inside it receives neither any medicine nor any nourishment. Whereas in Ayurveda medicine, healing styles like prayer, mantra, diet create a sense of ‘I and my body are separate’ in a person which also makes his body, mind and thoughts healthy.

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